Request a Workshop for Your Students

The Centre for Community Partnerships (CCP) offers a range of workshops for students on community-engaged learning. Explore our offerings below:

“Introduction to Community-Engaged Learning (CEL)”

We can offer an “Introduction to CEL” presentation for your students. This presentation covers the key principles of community-engaged learning and ethical approaches to community partnership. We can also customize the workshop to address topics relevant to your course. 

20 – 40 minutes

“Working Respectfully with Communities”

The “Working Respectfully with Communities” workshop introduces students to the foundations of community-engaged learning (CEL). The workshop explores equity, positionality, and asset-based community engagement. The workshop is typically delivered to students who are about to start a CEL experience, or who have an interest in community-based engagements. Depending on the context of the workshop, CCP staff can tailor material and discussion topics to fit the student audience.  

30 – 60 minutes

“Get Involved”

This workshop introduces the various ways of getting involved in community-engaged learning (CEL). In this workshop, we ask students to interrogate their own definitions of community, to reflect on their values, and to question how to enact their values in CEL experiences. Student co-facilitators share their personal journeys with community-based learning as facilitated by the CCP. CCP staff also share curricular and co-curricular ways for students to enter the world of CEL at the University of Toronto.  

50 minutes

“Building Experience Through Volunteering”

Developed by the Centre for Community Partnerships and the University of Toronto Career Exploration & Education, this workshop will introduce students to best practices for community-engaged learning. Students will also learn how to identify which competencies they have developed while volunteering, communicate their competencies on their resume and in interviews, and identify how their strengths, interests, and values relate to future career or volunteering opportunities

60 minutes