Michelle Arnot

Michelle Arnot

Professor, Teaching Stream

Associate Chair, Undergraduate Education, Pharmacology and Toxicology

“When teaching The Role of Pharmacology and Toxicology in Society (PCL389), I have the honor and privilege of observing students expand their compassion and perspective through exposure to diverse ideas, situations, individuals, and communities who are often misunderstood and marginalized. As students struggle with “gray” issues associated with substance use disorder they grow professionally, academically, and most importantly personally. I am grateful for our incredible community partners, who provide insight, experience, and share their compassion with our students. Success in this course is not about the class average, it is the completion of a project which helps fill the organizations’ mandate or goal. It is also about the student who learns to reduce their bias and be more open to solutions and ideas that share compassion and integrate lived experience.” 

Michelle Arnot

PCL389: The Role of Pharmacology and Toxicology in Society
This course integrates how substance use plays a role in society and expands students’ awareness of diverse harm reduction strategies currently in practice. Content examines the pharmacology/toxicology behind drug use and substance use disorder focusing on theories and research in this area, potential therapeutic interventions, drug-drug interactions, as well as how political, social and health policy affect associated individuals and communities. Students collaborate with  community partners on community driven projects associated with knowledge translation and Harm Reduction fields. Through class discussions, papers, debates, and work with community partners, student knowledge is expanded regarding outreach, policy and citizenship which is paramount to reducing harms and deaths associated with substance use. 

CEL takes learning beyond academia. Toronto Star, October 3, 2020.  

Kabli N., Liu B., Seifert T, Arnot M.I. (2013). Effects of academic service learning in drug misuse and addiction on students’ learning preferences and attitudes toward harm reduction. Am J. Pharm. Ed. Apr 12;77(3):63-68. doi: 10.5688/ajpe77363